Figure: 40 TAC §745.9133

Learning objective:


(1) Ages and stages of development

(A) Identify expected behaviors for each age level;
(B) Identify developmental areas and how they interrelate; and
(C) Explain principles of child growth and development.

(2) Safety

(A) Apply sections of the Minimum Standards related to safety;
(B) Identify safe and unsafe environments and practices; and
(C) Develop a safety and emergency action plan.

(3) Health

(A) Apply sections of the Minimum Standards related to children’s health;
(B) Demonstrate proper hand washing techniques; and
(C) Develop a plan for preventing and managing illness and injury in children.

(4) The Learning Environment

(A) Identify age-appropriate indoor and outdoor materials and equipment;
(B) Arrange a safe and healthy indoor/outdoor environment appropriate to the age and number of the children using it and the size of the area;
(C) Develop an age-appropriate curriculum including a schedule, and lesson plan that supports children’s physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development;
(D) Demonstrate awareness of the importance of anti-bias and multicultural components of a curriculum; and
(E) Demonstrate an awareness of responsibilities to special needs children and their families.

(5) Guidance

(A) Identify and demonstrate positive guidance techniques;
(B) Demonstrate how environment and development affects guidance;
(C) Identify benefits of positive guidance for staff and children; and
(D) Apply Minimum Standards on discipline and guidance.

(6) Parent Relations

(A) Articulate a clear philosophy/mission statement for a child-care program;
(B) Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of communicating with parents;
(C) Identify techniques and strategies for communicating with parents; and
(D) Demonstrate productive relationships between family, community, and school.

(7) Observation techniques/skills

(A) Demonstrate an ability to document observations of children, staff, and program; and
(B) Demonstrate signs of abuse/neglect and the responsibility to report.

(8) Community

(A) Identify community resources for child-care training; and
(B) Identify community resources related to children’s health, safety, and growth and development.